A winter morning view from Clingmans Dome in
Great Smoky Mountains National Park
"The function of education is to teach one to think intensively and to think critically. Intelligence plus character – that is the goal of true education."
- Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. -
With a growing number of applications in countless disciplines, effectively teaching mathematics has never been more important. My teaching philosophy developed from my own liberal arts education at Franklin and Marshall College and my goal to enthusiastically convey how mathematical reasoning is widely useful to all students, regardless of major. The classes I teach are linked by my underlying goals to facilitate the development of critical thinking skills, cultivate the ability to form sound arguments, and demonstrate the value of quantitative exploration. I achieve these goals by connecting with and challenging my students, recognizing their needs, and tailoring my approach to best serve each class and student. This approach suports the National Academy of Science's recommendation that mathematical science departments become "pumps, not filters, in the STEM pipeline." The mathematics department at the University of Tennessee recognized my success as an educator when I was honored with the Dorothea and Edgar D. Eaves Teaching Award in 2013. I have posted my teaching evaluations below to reveal how students perceive my teaching.
Mathematics for Life Sciences II
Calculus I and II concepts
Supported with biological examples
Basic programming skills
Precalculus topics including properties of numbers, linear equations, functions, plotting, polynomials, rational functions, exponentials, logarithms and trigonometry
Mathematical Reasoning
Classical and modern topics in mathematics including logic, geometry, natural phenomena, basic proofs and probability. This class serves to satisfy a quantitative requirement for many humanity majors at the University of Tennessee